WebAssembly only has value integer types. However, providing a correct reader, one can interpret an integer as the address of a complex object in memory and convert it back to scala when exported. By default, Swam provides such readers for strings, either C-like or UTF-8 encoded strings. Let’s assume we have a WebAssembly module that exports two strings
import swam._
import text._
import runtime._
import cats.effect._
import java.nio.file.Paths
implicit val cs = IO.contextShift(scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global)
val strings =
Blocker[IO].use { blocker =>
for {
engine <- Engine[IO](blocker)
tcompiler <- Compiler[IO](blocker)
m <- engine.compile(tcompiler.stream(Paths.get("string.wat"), true, blocker))
i <- m.instantiate
s1 <- {
import formats.string.cstring
s2 <- {
import formats.string.utf8
} yield (s1, s2)
val (s1, s2) = strings.unsafeRunSync()
Reading the exported strings results in:
// A C-like string
// süß